The Church is Rising

I want to thank you all for the great feedback from yesterday’s post on The Church vs. The Church.

Many of you who followed my blog in the early days remember that I wrote on Christian living in today’s world. I have had many people ask me to go back and write more of those blogs. While I love teaching the Word to others – and while I will continue to do that from time to time – that is not the direction I feel God taking me in my life at this point in the journey.

I have refocused my blog to help other great Christian people get their messages and testimony into print. The self-publishing world is a tricky world to navigate and I feel that my eye for detail, my desire to spread the Gospel to the ends of the Earth and my passion for lifting up others to shine, is better served by me using my blog to help people “Publish With Purpose”.

I will still take time out to talk on  issues that I see that need to be addressed, (as I did yesterday) but I need to keep my eye’s focused on using my skills and talents to lift up others and help them share their testimonies to the world.

With that said, I want to share a couple of great blogs from up and coming stars in the Christian world. These are people with passion and a desire to see Kingdom living today and not waiting until our time is done here on Earth. These people are proof positive to me that the Church is rising and is becoming strong and a force to be reckoned with.

The first person I want to introduce you to is Robin Bremer. Robin is passionate about helping people unleash their full potential as Christians. Her dedication to reveal scripture to people and exposing them to the gifts that Jesus has promised us through the Holy Spirit, is motivating. I love her passion and drive.

We will be releasing Robins book, Feed My People Joy, in September of this year. Take the time to check out her vast amount of YouTube teaching videos and also visit her site to learn more about her ministry.

The next person I want to introduce you to is Melissa West. Melissa has taken her life experiences and her love of Christ and poured it all into riveting teachings. Melissa is a doer. When she sees a need or something lacking, she jumps in and fills that void.

There are so many important areas that we need to address in our Christian walk and we don’t always find all the teaching we need at church. The roles of pastors is to guide their flocks and reach the loss. With only 52 Sundays in a year to address people, they cannot cover all the bases of what the bible teaches. Melissa is using her writing to address those areas that the church is missing. Bookmark her blog and learn more.

Everyone who follows Cross Point Publishing and my blog already know of F. Remy Diederich. Remy is the founding pastor of Cedarbrook Church and the author of Healing the Hurts of Your Past.

Remy works with people who are fighting through  destructive behaviors in a local rehabilitation center. His work and passion to help these people find healing has led to his blog which deals directly with helping people reconnect with a God who desires to restore us to a life of glory.

These are just three of the rising stars of the church today. These three people are people who are in my life and that I want to give some exposure to.

Who would you like to add to this list? Add their name, what type of ministry work they do and a link to their site in the comments section below.

Give Your Sermon a Lasting Legacy

There are many talented pastors out there today who have developed successful ministries at their own church and in their own community.

These ministry ideas are so valuable when it comes to spreading the Gospel. Unfortunately, many pastors let these great sermons and ministries sit out in the pasture and rust, like an old beat up station wagon with wood trim that hasn’t run for thirty years. It’s not their faults. Ministry takes valuable time and how can you add a large marketing project to your already long list of things to do? How do you justify taking more time away from your church, ministry or family to promote your message to the world?

I’m not pointing fingers. I’m just saying, it’s a shame. I am here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Here at Cross Point, we have made it our mission to come along side not just pastors, but also lay-ministers, ministry leaders and servants of Christ who have developed powerful messages that should be shared with the world. Here is how we can do that.

  1. WE PUBLISH FOR YOU- We can publish your book and promote it for you using all of this glorious technology.  We put together the details and work side by side with the author to promote their work. This doesn’t cost anything. We share the royalties from sales just like any other publisher/author relationship.
  2. WE HELP YOU SELF-PUBLISH- We help you assemble your manuscript into a book and submit it to print-on-demand companies. We charge you up front for this service but we give you promotional guidance along the way.
  3. WE TURN YOUR BOOK INTO A MINISTRY- If the potential is there, we turn your sermon into a book and create a ministry out of it. A perfect example of that is a recent book we published by F. Remy Diederich. Remy’s book Healing the Hurts of Your Past: A Guide to Overcoming the Pain of Shame is quickly becoming a ministry tool in churches across the globe. He had developed the concept years ago but had to put it on the shelf while he started a church. We have come along side of him and helped him breath new life into it. He is sharing the gifts of healing that God has given him with the world – while still being able to have time to focus on his church, community and family.
  4. BUILD A PLATFORM- Perhaps you have already done the work of publishing and just need help in getting the message out there. Cross Point will soon have an answer for that. We will be launching a number of publishing/marketing programs to help writers build a solid sales platform by using the powerful social media that is in the palms of everyone’s hands. Visit our website in the coming weeks to learn more.

These are just some of the exciting things we have to offer. The real question is: “Are you ready to give your sermon a lasting legacy?”

Why should you preach a sermon one Sunday and just have it collect dust? Turn it into a book or ministry and share it with the world.

There has never been a better time to explore the publishing options available to everyone.